Florida is one of the states that allows for medical marijuana access in the United States. If you’re interested in getting a FL med card, however, the process can be very confusing, even though it’s been legal for multiple years now. Getting a medical marijuana card in Florida doesn’t have to be as difficult as it may seem. Here are the four steps you’ll take when you’re getting a medical marijuana card in Florida.

1. Make Sure You Qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida

The first step is to make sure you qualify for a medical marijuana card in the first place. Florida has a fairly wide list of qualifying conditions, including:

  • Seizures
  • PTSD
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Chronic muscle spasms

There are also other conditions that may qualify you for medical marijuana in Florida. Your best bet will be to talk with your primary care physician about whether your diagnosis may make you eligible for medical marijuana.

2. Get a Release of Information From Your Primary Care Physician

Next, you’ll need to get diagnosis information from the doctor that you currently see most frequently. Typically, this will either be the doctor who diagnosed you or the doctor who is currently helping you manage your diagnosis. This information will help the clinician who certifies you for a medical marijuana card make an informed decision.

3. Find a Doctor Near You to Visit in Person

Florida has a number of requirements for your medical marijuana appointment. Not only does the state keep a list of all doctors who are certified to provide evaluation and certification, but it also requires that you visit the doctor in person. Telehealth visits are not considered acceptable for medical marijuana appointments in Florida. However, you may be able to renew your card online with a telehealth visit if you have an ongoing condition.

4. Apply for and Receive Your Florida Medical Marijuana ID Card

Once your doctor has examined you and certified that you have one of the qualifying conditions for medical marijuana and can benefit from its use, you’ll submit your medical card application to receive the medical marijuana ID card. In Florida, you can only purchase your medical marijuana from Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers; if you don’t have one in your area, you can arrange for a delivery. Your ID card will be how you can access the Medical Marijuana Treatment Center in your area.


Getting a medical marijuana card in Florida can be a bit more time-consuming than getting a medical marijuana in some other states, but for the people who are able to go through the process, it’s certainly worth it. Many people find significant relief from chronic conditions using medical marijuana, and it can be a significant benefit for all sorts of Florida patients. If you’re interested in using medical marijuana for your medical condition, you might want to look into the process – it can take some time, so starting sooner rather than later is your best option.